Scoliosis is the medical term used to describe the irregular curvature of the spine. It can vary from mild to severe cases. In some moderate situations, exercises can help reverse scoliosis along with proper care and consultant with medical Scoliosis specialists.

Doctors have yet to identify the cause of Scoliosis in most cases however it is widely believed that it can be a mixture of hereditary or environmental aspects.

Although Scoliosis only affects at most 3% of the population, it should not be taken lightly.  Severe cases of Scoliosis can result in difficulty in breathing and may require bracing or spinal surgery which is very life-threatening if done incorrectly.

Different Types of Scoliosis

Scoliosis specialists or Physical therapists will most like recommend certain exercises to help the patient address the mild spine specific structural difference.

Moreover, Mild scoliosis cases do not require significant medical procedures such as braces and spinal surgery. Also, they are not as visible to the eye compared to other posture disorders. The term Mild scoliosis is generally accepted to describe the type of scoliosis where the spinal curvature is between 10 to 20 degrees. For this reason, those with mild scoliosis are the most receptive to exercise treatment.

Scoliosis cases with spine curvature between 25 to 40 degrees are considered as moderate cases.

Moderate scoliosis may be treated with exercise too along with proper medical attention. In addition, wearing braces can also be an option. Unattended, moderate scoliosis can worsen and lead to severe scoliosis. Unfortunately, Severe scoliosis, classified as spine curvature of more than 40 degrees, are the least responsive with exercise treatment and such cases usually need to be corrected with spinal surgery.

In this article, we will list some of the common exercises to help correct or at least delay the progression of Scoliosis for those having mild to moderate scoliosis:

Scoliosis Exercises to Build Core Muscle Strength

Exercises such as planks and crunches help develop core strength. This provides the abdominal part of your body in control and helps alleviate back pain caused by scoliosis.

Yoga Pose Exercises that target the Spine Structure

A lot of yoga poses help in improving your spine structure. These poses help align the body structure along with the added strength and resiliency to the back muscles.  Stretching poses aligns and relaxes your spine by decompressing the bone vertebrae column.

Twisting poses forces the body to pivot backwards the spine misalignment due to scoliosis that results to the realignment and balancing of the torso. In addition, back bending poses to improve your flexibility with the added benefit of correcting the structure of the spinal column.

Back and Leg Stretching Exercises For Scoliosis

Regular stretching of the back and leg muscles alleviates discomfort caused by scoliosis. Also, a dislocated spine column has a tendency to compress nerves in the back and lower extremities that may result in severe pain. In addition, stretching greatly helps in restoring flexibility to the lower part of your body.

Pectoral and Chest Stretching Exercises

Stretching the pectoral and chest muscles is very important to correct hunched back and malformed shoulders. There are a variety of exercises including backbends and arm stretching that targets the pectoral muscles. This can be performed by such as using a platform or training buddy to stretch your upper body.

Full Body Stretch Exercises After Long Periods of Idleness

It is never good for anyone to sit or stand for an extended duration. More so for those suffering from Scoliosis. Stretching the whole body after standing or sitting for a long time aids in relieving the strain on the body and this is especially beneficial for those suffering from Scoliosis.

As a rule of thumb, stretch or take a walk as often as possible. It is also recommended to use a comfortable and ergonomic chair if you are required to sit for a long period.

Engaging in Physical Activities such as Dancing or Football

Dancers who are suffering from scoliosis do not need to be concerned. This is not a major cause for concern, however, there are certain dance moves like backflips, or bends that are prohibited to reduce the chance of aggravating scoliosis.

If you are not a fan of dancing, other physical activities like football or swimming are great alternatives that do not worsen scoliosis. They are fantastic aerobic sports that improve the core strength. Of course, All soccer positions are okay apart from being a goalkeeper since goalkeepers tend to contort their body in horrible positions.

Additional Tips for Your Scoliosis

  • As mentioned above, exercise consistently to correct or delay the progression of scoliosis.
  • Maintain a healthy diet with enough vitamins to help prevent aggravation of your scoliosis. Recommended vitamins include calcium and Vitamin D.
  • Be careful with your height and weight proportionality to ensure you do not experience extra strain on your body especially the back side.
  • As they say, early detection helps a lot. Do not wait for long periods of time before going for your regular checkups. You do not want mild scoliosis turning into a severe one.

Warnings for people with Scoliosis:

Although exercises are recommended, immediately stop when you start to feel excruciating pain and go to the doctor immediately. Do not proceed with your exercise routine in such cases otherwise, your scoliosis might end up turning for the worse. There are specialists and physical therapists that can provide you medical attention and advice on how to proceed further.

In this article, we have a brief introduction to Scoliosis and the common exercises that can correct or delay the progression of scoliosis. By being mindful of your body, you can take hold of your scoliosis condition and do exercises to transform into the scoliosis-free and better version of yourself.

Do you or anyone you know suffer from Scoliosis and can benefit reading this home exercises? If so, please like and share this article. Are there better home exercises you are doing to alleviate Scoliosis? Please leave a comment below! Thanks